Advanced Creative Writing  5/12 – 5/16


Monday 5/12


1. Journal: 10 minute open write.

2. PM: Writer Workshop: Final Preparation – peer reading, revision, proofreading and polishing

    a. Have your interview-based Character Sketch, and visit/observation-based Personal Narrative and Descriptive Essays FCs/RRDs checked as you finish them – due through tomorrow.

    b. Continue sharing work with peer readers – make revisions, etc. as needed to get your work to where you want it.

    c. Continue drafting, etc. as needed as well since I know some of you still have some writing to do.

    d. Don’t forget your Grammar B applications.

3. Bring any materials you want to create your project to class tomorrow.  This would include scissors, glue, construction materials, etc…  I’ll try to have as much as I can on hand, but if you bring your own, you’ll know you’ll have what you need.  Oh, and don’t forget you pictures, magazine cutouts, mementos, your artwork, etc…  Have your writing printed and ready to put together.

    a. We’ll have computer access Wednesday through Friday of this week.

    b. If you are ready, it’s time to sketch out your layout.  What are you going to place where?  Use some printer paper to sketch out basic thumbnails.  All I need to see is that level of thought you put into placement, color, and theme. (Take a look at tomorrow’s lesson plans for the full assignment.)

4. The final scrapbook is due Tuesday, 5/20 when you will informally share with a few and then step in front of the class to share something cool about your scrapbook with everyone – also informal.


Tuesday 5/13


1. Journal: Write a poem.

2. PM: Construction Workshop – Planning and the Final Product

    a. What is needed in the final scrapbook:

        the items below from each of the groups of exercises though you will certainly wish to include other pieces and work as desired.

Ø      A Table of Contents for the scrapbook.

Ø      Two final copy scenes from the Writing from Pictures activities, including the pictures themselves.

Ø      Three RD or FC descriptive paragraphs from the Tapping into Memory activities, including pictures, collages, words, writings, etc.

Ø      Final Copy of Tapping into Memory Short Story with pictures, collages, words, writings, etc.

Ø      Character sketch in FC form along with your notes and any pictures.

Ø      Capturing the Moments of Your Life “Moment Notes” (total of four) with photos, cut-outs, etc.

Ø      Capturing the Moments of Your Life Personal Narrative FC, Descriptive Essay FC, and accompanying pictures & materials.

     b. Plan your scrapbook – yes, this IS what quality work is about.

        1) Use some printer paper to make some sketches of your pages and what you want to include on each.

        2) It should have a scrapbook feel but not be too cluttered or sparse.

        3) Consider how you will display your writing.

        4) What theme will you give your scrapbook?

        5) Show me your sketches today or tomorrow (worth 25 points) – get suggestions and comments from classmates.

3. Have your interview-based Character Sketch, and visit/observation-based Personal Narrative and Descriptive Essays FCs/RRDs checked as you finish them.

4. Bring any materials you want to create your project to class tomorrow.  This would include scissors, glue, construction materials, etc…  I’ll try to have as much as I can on hand, but if you bring your own, you’ll know you’ll have what you need.  Oh, and don’t forget you pictures, magazine cutouts, mementos, your artwork, etc…  I’ll have a laptop labs on hand if possible too.

5. The final scrapbook is due Tuesday, 5/20 when you will informally share with a few and then step in front of the class to share something cool about your scrapbook with everyone – also informal.


Wednesday 5/14 (with laptops)


1. Journal: What theme did you choose for your scrapbook?  Why did you choose that theme; i.e., why did you choose to remember these things from your life in that way or theme?

2. PM: Construction Workshop – Creating the Final Product

    a. Review the Personal Mythology Scrapbook Rubric I’ll use to grade your work.

    b. Review items needed in Final Scrapbook.

    c. Construct!  And have some fun – that’s an order!

    d. Have your planning sketches checked as you work.

3. Have your interview-based Character Sketch, and visit/observation-based Personal Narrative and Descriptive Essays FCs/RRDs checked as you finish them.

4. The final scrapbook is due Tuesday, 5/20 when you will informally share with a few and then step in front of the class to share something cool about your scrapbook with everyone – also informal.


Thursday 5/15 (in media center)


1. Journal: none

2. PM: Construction Workshop – Creating the Final Product

    a. Continue construction and finishing up any drafting, revision, and polishing you need to!  And have some fun – that’s an order!

    d. Have your planning sketches checked as you work if needed.

3. Have your interview-based Character Sketch, and visit/observation-based Personal Narrative and Descriptive Essays FCs/RRDs checked as you finish them.

4. The final scrapbook is due Tuesday, 5/20 when you will informally share with a few and then step in front of the class to share something cool about your scrapbook with everyone – also informal.


Friday 5/16


1. Journal: none

2. Creativity Workshop (with laptops)

    a. You may type on the laptops if needed.  Feel free to put your scrapbook together too, if you like.

    b. Cranium Game!

3. The final scrapbook is due Tuesday, 5/20 when you will informally share with a few and then step in front of the class to share something cool about your scrapbook with everyone – also informal.