Advanced Creative Writing  4/14 – 4/18


Monday 4/14


1. Journal: none

2. Personal Mythology: Tapping into Memory Short Stories

    a. At this point, you should have finished each of the following:

        1) A list of ten memories (big and small) from your childhood.

        2) Written a paragraph for FIVE of them.

        3) Of those five, you picked three to collect ideas for scrapbook pages, including pictures, collages, words, writings, etc.

        4) Of those three, you picked one and developed:

            a) A thorough characterization about each character, focusing on what they look like, their personalities, and their interests, etc.

            b) Setting, focusing on imagery.

        5) Put these ideas together to create a short story capturing the significance of the event to be included in the final scrapbook with its accoutrements.

        6) Had the story peer read and made revisions.  What you have now is the RRDstop there for now.

    b. The next step is to rewrite this story from another character’s point of view.  If there is only one character, write it from a third person narrator or from the point of view of a friend or by-stander telling a story (you can choose one of these anyway!).  Due Tuesday, 4/22.

    c. Have any of the above work checked as needed.


Tuesday 4/15


1. Journal: none

2. Personal Mythology: Tapping into Memory Short Stories

    a. Work on one of your two Tapping into Memory short stories:

        1) The first full short story you’ve “grown” out of a memory.  RRD with final copy due Tuesday, 4/22.

        2) The changed point of view version: RRD with final copy due Tuesday, 4/22.

    b. May I suggest you work your tails off because we have a lot going on and your time is precious.  Well, that and I grade that.

3. Have any work checked as needed.


Wednesday 4/16


1. Journal: What were some of the great imaginary games, scenarios, worlds, etc. you had as a kid? Describe them and the certainly endless hours you spend playing, acting out, or living in them. One classic example would be staying out at the local basketball court by yourself taking countless jump shots – all last-second shots to win the championship!  (Of course, if you missed, you always got fouled so you could win it from the free throw line!)

2. Personal Mythology: Tapping into Memory Short Stories

    a. Maybe share a couple journals.

    b. Work on one of your two Tapping into Memory short stories:

        1) The first full short story you’ve “grown” out of a memory.  RRD with final copy due Tuesday, 4/22.

        2) The changed point of view version: RRD with final copy due Tuesday, 4/22.

    c. May I suggest you work your tails off because we have a lot going on and your time is precious.  Well, that and I grade that.

3. Have any work checked as needed.

4. Take a look at the Character Interview if you haven’t already – the time draws near!!  Do it over the four days if you can.


Thursday 4/17


No School – Professional Day


Friday 4/18


No School – Good Friday