1. Journal: none
2. Turn in copy of Inverness
Contest Piece – Have RRD of Resonance
Piece checked if needed.
3. Student Workshop:
Left/Right Brain Orientation (with laptops in media center)
a. Using laptops, follow handout to
complete assignment.
b. Click HERE to see the handout and full
assignment in online form.
c. Get as far as you can today.
Tuesday 3/4
1. Journal: (after you
finish the Left/Right Brain Orientation) Open write for the rest of the period
and save to your hard drive.
2. Turn in late work: Inverness
Contest Piece and/or Have RRD of
Resonance Piece checked if needed.
3. Student Workshop:
Left/Right Brain Orientation (with laptops in media center)
Using laptops, follow handout to complete assignment.
b. Click HERE to see the handout and full
assignment in online form.
4. Do today’s journal.
Wednesday 3/5
1. Journal: What was the
point of the activities with the Cranium Game and the Left/Right Brain
Survey? How can you use this information
to help you in Creative Writing and in life in general?
2. Discuss journal – think in
different ways; force yourself to be different.
3. Polish Resonance Piece and put in portfolio by end of the week.
4. Project Workshop:
Personal Mythology Unit
a. Assign Personal
Mythology Unit with overhead and handouts.
b. Pictures
and folders due Tuesday, 3/11.
5. HW: Read and write a one page response to William Wordsworth’s Line written a few miles above Tintern Abbey, pp. 298 - 301.
Thursday 3/6
No School – Calamity Day
Friday 3/7
1. Journal: Describe the
speaker’s feelings about and relationship with Tintern Abbey in Wordsworth’s poem.
What did you think of the emotion and tone? Too much?
Too little? Just enough? Explain.
2. Reader/Writer
Workshop: The Nostalgia Poem
a. Discuss Lines composed . . .
1) Background on the poem: Romanticism
and the Romantic notion of poetry: the
spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings reflected upon in tranquility,
especially in relation to nature and connecting to nature.
2) Discuss journal: what did you think
of his emotion.
3) What makes this type of writing
essentially nostalgic – a wistful or excessively sentimental
yearning for return to or of some past period or irrecoverable condition.
4) Essay response – write full (at least
five sentence) responses to each of the following questions about Lines…
a) What passages stick out as
particularly important?
b) What feeling or relationship
does each passage represent? How is that
c) What do you think the various
parts of the poem/setting mean to the speaker?
d) Due Monday.
3. Reminders:
a. PM pictures
and folders due Tuesday, 3/11.
b. Polish
Resonance Piece and put in portfolio by Monday.