Monday 2/24
No School – Calamity Day
Tuesday 2/25
1. Journal: none
2. Organize all writing & other work so far in portfolio – use Grades printout.
3. Wordsmith Workshop
a. Polish up your Wordsmith Piece and submit, with cover sheet.
b. When done with Wordsmith Piece, draft your Inverness “Is All Ears” Contest
piece - handout.
1) You will turn in a copy to me for
points next Monday.
2) Submit your piece to the site on the
handout by Friday, 2/28.
c. If done with everything, you may peer
read or work on any writing you need.
4. Exercise E on page 3 should be done; RRD of Resonance Piece due Friday,
Wednesday 2/26
1. Journal: (15 mins.) What
makes writing “good” or bad”? How do you
know? When you are graded, what kind of
feedback do you expect to get? When you
are peer read, what kind of feedback do you expect? When you peer read yourself, what do you find
yourself most often commenting upon?
Finally, describe what is difficult and easy about critiquing someone
else’s writing.
2. Writing Critique
a. Discuss journal thoroughly.
b. Handouts: Sample Personal
Narrative 1, Sample Personal Narrative 2,
Narrative Rubric.
c. Read Narrative #1 and comment on
overhead together.
d. If time, move to Personal Narrative #2
for comparison.
4. Exercise E on page 3 should be done; RRD of Resonance Piece due W
through M.
Thursday 2/27
1. Journal: What if?
2. Writing Critique
a. Finish critiquing the Personal
Narratives together.
b. As time allows, elicit peer readers
throughout rest of period for you Resonance Piece. Use the skills we have studied over the past
two days to truly critique the work.
c. Revise as time allows – have RRD checked if ready.
3. RRD of Resonance Piece due today through Monday – be prepared to share
portions with classmates in the next few days, just in case.
Journal: none
Creativity Workshop
The Cranium Game
RRDs of Resonance Piece checked today or Monday as needed.
4. Reminder: Inverness “Is All Ears” Contest
due to
me Monday – due to the site today.