Monday 2/17
No School: President’s Day
Tuesday 2/18
No School: Calamity Day
Wednesday 2/19
1. Journal: none
2. Reader/Writer
Workshop: in media center
a. Search out two suitable pieces for your Writing
Conversation Scavenger Hunt.
b. Begin answering Q’s p. 5 for each piece.
c. Answers
to all Q’s for both pieces due Friday.
Thursday 2/20
1. Journal: 5 minute open
2. Wordsmith Workshop
(ok, so I know it’s not Monday! But,
this is important to me.)
a. Revise and polish your piece for the
Wordsmith – this will be due Monday,
b. Genres range from poetry to short story,
but don’t forget about creative essays, satires, parodies, etc.
c. You may also choose to work on your Exercise E Piece (may have been a continuation of your first writing) or on your Q’s
from p. 5 for your Writing Conversation Scavenger Hunt – due tomorrow.
3. I’ll be checking in
anything I haven’t seen from you yet: portfolio,
exs. A-D, p. 3, Library Card Q’s, p. 4, first piece
final copy/RRD.
Friday 2/21
1. Journal: 5 minute free
2. Reader/Writer Workshop
a. Discuss the questions you answered for
each of your pieces.
1) What holds your two pieces
together? How do they “resonate” with
each other? How do they converse?
2) How is this different from how
you’ve thought of literature and writing before? What are they really asking you to do? How does it relate to you as a writer?
b. Write your text to fill the space
between your two pieces.
1) Use the writing process well – PW,
Organize, and begin drafting today.
2) Carefully consider how your text
will fill the space – what exactly goes into that space?
c. Focusing Activities to Help You “Fill
the Space”
1) ‘Negative’ Venn Diagrams
2) Write the actual conversation
between the two pieces!
d. RD
of your Resonance Piece due tba.
3. Have questions from p. 5 for your two pieces checked while you write
your piece, plus any late work.
4. Reminder: Wordsmith Piece 1 due Monday, 2/24 – you can work on it in
class but must finish it.