Monday 2/10
1. Journal: 10 minute Open
2. Wordsmith Workshop
a. PW and draft short pieces for submission
to Wordsmith – have checked at end of
period as time allows.
b. Genres range from poetry to short story,
but don’t forget about creative essays, satires, parodies, etc.
c. This will be a regular Monday activity,
though sometimes it can just be personal writing.
3. While you are working, I
will check the following:
a. Your
portfolio materials are in.
b. Exercises
A-D and the four Questions in response to The Library Card (p. 4).
RRD/FC of your first piece (should be in your portfolio) – if you haven’t
already, get this into FC form this week.
4. Reminder: RD of Response to
Reading Exploration (Exercise E, p. 3) due tomorrow.
5. Keep bringing your books for awhile (even though we aren’t using them
Tuesday 2/11
1. Journal: What was the
purpose of the exercises we did last week?
How does insight into the relationship between readers and writers help
us develop as an Advanced Creative Writer?
2. Writer Workshop
a. Discuss journal.
b. Purpose: be aware of what you are trying
to accomplish but do not let purpose limit your creativity.
c. Audience: understand the needs of your
audience; try not to be self-indulgent – it limits growth.
d. Spend some time now with your response
to Exercise E.
1) Checking
exercises from pages 3 and 4, 1st Piece, and Portfolio Materials.
2) Make revisions based on what you
learned from those exercises.
a. Consider: are you using language
naturally, the way you want to use it?
b. Consider: are you creating a
piece that will interact with your reader the way you want it to? How do you know?
c. Consider: have you achieved your
3) Place
piece in portfolio after you have it checked.
3. HW: Read pp. 4-5.
Wednesday 2/12
1. Journal: What are your
favorite stories or just pieces of literature?
What makes them so special to you?
How would you distinguish them from other pieces of literature? How would you characterize them as the same
as others?
2. Reader/Writer Workshop
a. Work some with exercises from pp. 3
& 4. Share experiences and ideas.
b. Examine and explore the reading from pp.
4 and 5 in the text. What do they mean
in each paragraph?
c. The Writing Conversation Scavenger
1) Get two pieces you like – we’ll go
to the media center next Tuesday (scheduling problem!) to help you along,
though you can get these on your own as well.
2) Keep in mind that this is easier
with two pieces of the same genre, but you are welcome to choose different
genres if desired.
3) Answer the questions throughout the
Important Note section on p. 5 for your 2 pieces in writing.
4) Write the required original piece at
the end of the exercise.
Thursday 2/13
1. Journal: 5 minute free
2. The Writing
Conversation Scavenger Hunt – complete explanation
a. Get two pieces you like – we’ll go to
the media center next Tuesday (scheduling problem!) to help you along, though
you can get these on your own as well.
b. Keep in mind that this is easier with
two pieces of the same genre, but you are welcome to choose different genres if
c. Answer the questions throughout the Important
Note section on p. 5 for your 2 pieces in writing.
d. Write the required original piece at the
end of the exercise.
3. Creativity Workshop
Improvisation Games!
Friday 2/14
No School: Conference Comp