Monday 1/27
No Class – Exam Schedule
Tuesday 1/28
1. Journal: Why are you
2. Suggest comfortable seating positions – I’ll make the chart soon.
3. Get books, if available.
4. Materials – portfolio,
paper, writing instruments, book, project stuff (If you’ve heard of Maitespace,
feel free to visit, but I don’t plan to introduce that for a few days into the
5. Discuss journal and
perhaps some expectations.
6. Writing is not easy. It is work.
You will work. Your thoughts and
ideas deserve it. That said, here’s what
I expect in class….
1. Journal: 5 minute free
2. Creativity Workshop
The Cranium Game!
1. Journal: What was the
point of yesterday’s playing of the game, Cranium? Discuss how each color of card (red – data,
blue – art, green – performance, yellow – language) applies to what we will be
doing in this course.
2. Writer’s Workshop
a. Discuss journal briefly.
b. Assign: Personal Choice Piece #1
1) Brief review of writing process – though
brief, extremely important.
2) Prose only. No real length requirement but let’s shoot
for around 3 to 4 pages, DS.
3) Pre-write, organize, and draft as
you see fit. Have a decent draft
underway by Monday.
4) I’m looking at a class participation
weight of anywhere from 40 to 75 percent as I consider my new way of grading
this class. I value your class time that
much. Keep that in mind as you begin
working on your own in here. Easiest A
ever; also, the easiest D.
1. Journal: none
2. Student Workshop –
Media Center Computers
b. Fill out student information form
now. Distribute Parent Letter and Assign: Parent Information form due
Tuesday, 2/4. (Automatic 10 points extra credit when your parents’ form is
c. Guided site tour: plans, policies,
grades, scoring guides, help etc. I will
expect that you will read and know the policies.
d. Bit of a scavenger hunt, and free
3. Reminders:
a. Have portfolio materials in class next
b. Partial draft of Personal Choice Piece
#1 should be in hand Monday.