Advanced Creative Writing 12/10 - 12/14

Monday 12/10

1. Journal: none

2. Review: Semester Project Character Sketch - due whenever you can get it done.  Some will be before break, some after.

3. Reminder: Have you considered doing your descriptive essay (for example) as a poem?  All writings can be adapted to your tastes!

4. Semester Project Workshop (Carts 9+10)

    a. Work on: Drafting your descriptive essay or polishing your personal narrative.

    b. You may work on your character sketch if ready.

    c. If done with both and checked in as done, then you may work on your Author Study Bio or Critical Essay.

5. HW: 1) MF 6 due Wednesday; 2) Descriptive Essay of one observation due Friday; 3) Character Sketch interview & sketch done as needed.

Tuesday 12/11

1. Journal: none

2. Workshop: Author Study (Media Center Computers)

    a. Assign: Write your original piece of appropriate genre using the style lessons you learned from you author.

    b. Alternately, you may work on your bio or style analysis critical essay if needed or desired.  These should be done by now.

3. HW: 1) MF 6 due tomorrow; 2) Descriptive Essay of one observation due Friday; 3) Character Sketch interview & sketch done as needed.

Wednesday 12/12

1. Journal: tba

2. Writer's Workshop: Microfiction

    a. Microfiction 6: Share in groups, judge, pick winner, turn in.

    b. As time allows: Peer reading of selected pieces we are working on: Personal Narrative, Descriptive Essay, Author Bio, Author Style Critical Essay, Author Style Original Work.

3. HW: 1) Descriptive Essay of one observation due Friday; 2) Character Sketch interview & sketch done as needed.


Thursday 12/13  


1. Journal: none

2. Author Workshop (Carts 9+10)

    a. Complete Author Style original work.

    b. Bio and Analysis Essay should be done.

    c. Bring all three pieces to your exam: next Thursday, 7:40-9:15.

3. HW: 1) Descriptive Essay of one observation due tomorrow; 2) Character Sketch interview & sketch done as needed; 3) Bring ALL Semester Project materials with you to class tomorrow; 4) Be sure to have all your Author Style Study materials with you for the exam.


Friday 12/14


1. Journal: none

2. Semester Project Workshop (Carts 9+10)

    a. Due: Descriptive Essay of one observation.

    b. Finish all materials and assemble your project for final turn in.

    c. DUE: You may turn in today, exam day, or the first day after we return from break.

3. HW: 1) Character Sketch interview & sketch done as needed; 2) Be sure to have all your Author Style Study materials with you for the exam; 3) Semester Project due exam day or first day after break.