Advanced Creative Writing 12/3 - 12/7

Monday 12/3

1. Journal: none

2. Workshop: Author Study (Carts 7+8)

    a. Finish up 2-4 page biography.

    b. Have checked (RD is ok) when done.

    c. Continue with your author's work analysis - WORKSHEET - have checked when done.

    d. If done with all above, you may work on Semester Project work.

3. HW: 1) MF 5 due Wednesday; 2) Observation 4 due Friday; 3) Personal Narrative of one observation due Friday.

Tuesday 12/4

1. Journal: none

2. Workshop: Author Study (Media Center Computers)

    a. Use your author's work analysis WORKSHEET to write a 3-5 paragraph critical essay that captures your author's style.

    b. Create thesis - be focused on what part of his/her style you are discussing.

    c. Use your worksheet to provide support for your statement about the author's style.

    d. You can find sample critical essays by clicking here and scrolling down to the "Literary Criticism" section.  Be sure to read the RHETORICAL essays as they are most like yours.

    d. Be prepared to share your style analysis with the class Thursday.

3. HW: 1) MF 5 due tomorrow; 2) Observation 4 due Friday; 3) Personal Narrative of one observation due Friday.

Wednesday 12/5 (Shortened Periods - District Late Start)

1. Journal: tba

2. Writer's Workshop: Microfiction

    a. Microfiction 5: Share in groups, judge, pick winner, turn in.

    b. Assign MF 6: Think of a particularly intense episode you have experienced as recently as possible - a concert, a ball game, a party, that sort of thing.  Now write a short narrative of it using all five of your senses to create "thick" imagery. - due next Wednesday.

3. HW: 1) MF 6 due next Wednesday; 2) Observation 4 due Friday; 3) Personal Narrative of one observation due Friday.


Thursday 12/6  


1. Journal: Summarize what you learned from analyzing your author's style.

2. Workshop: Author Study

    a. Sharing author study results with class.

    b. Discuss and compare.

3. HW: 1) MF 6 due next Wednesday; 2) Observation 4 due tomorrow; 3) Personal Narrative of one observation due tomorrow.


Friday 12/7


1. Journal: none

2. Semester Project Workshop (Carts 9+10)

    a. Observation 4 due - turn in/have checked.

    b. Due: Personal Narrative of one observation - have checked.

    c. Assign: Descriptive Essay of one observation due next Friday.

       1) Review what a Descriptive Essay is - RUBRIC.

       2) Write essay.

       3) You can read some sample descriptive essays by clicking here and here.  You can get tips here as well.

3. HW: 1) MF 6 due next Wednesday; 2) Descriptive Essay of one observation due next Friday.