Advanced Creative Writing 11/5 - 11/9 

Monday 11/5

1. Journal: Five minute free write.  Circle key or unusual ideas when done.

2. Make sure I see your Alt POV Short Story for the semester project ASAP!

3. Writer's Workshop: Microfiction

    a. Microfiction 2: Share in groups, judge, pick winner, turn in.

    b. Alternately, you can work on any loose ends you have on your menu, print ad.  Due tomorrow/Wednesday.

4. HW: Just Sandwiches final copies due Wednesday.

Tuesday 11/6

1. Journal: Tell the story of the worst dinner out you ever experienced. This could be with family, friends, or, perhaps best, a bad date.

2. Writer's Workshop

    a. Just Sandwiches Judging moved to tomorrow.

    b. Share journals.

    c. Turn in any late MF 2's.

    d. Assign MF 3: Write the story of the last good argument you had in nothing but dialogue.

        1) Write RD.

        2) FC due next Monday as usual.

    e. Work on any leftover Semester Project Materials as needed.

3. HW: 1) Just Sandwiches final copies due Wednesday; 2) MF3 due next Monday.

Wednesday 11/7

1. Journal: Just Sandwiches: How do you select or judge restaurants:  What are your criteria and how do you measure them?  Then, tell of you favorite restaurants and what makes them so good.
2. Creativity Workshop: Just Sandwiches Presentation
a. Groups set up their restaurant in various areas of the room; choose someone to present.
b. Get grade sheets - put your vote for best sandwich at the bottom of the grade sheet.
c. All other members circulate to each restaurant and fill out grade sheets.
d. Give all grade sheets to each group.  Groups add up votes for sandwiches to see which one you will be making.  Turn in grade sheets when done.
e. Assign: Sandwich to be eaten tomorrow? in class.
3. HW: 1) Sandwich materials for Friday; 2) MF 3 due next Monday.

Thursday 11/8  


1. Journal: What if?

2. Writer's Workshop: Dialogue

    a. Handout (not online): Punctuating Dialogue

    b. Discuss advice for verbs and adverbs.  Pros and Cons.

    c. How can we convey emotion and attitude without verbs and adverbs?

    d. Work on MF 3 - we will have TWO of them.

        1) Dialogue with verbs and adverbs.

        2) Dialogue without - the goal is to make the one without as powerful as the one with!

        3) Have both with you in class Monday.

3. HW: 1) Sandwich materials for Friday; 2) MFs 3 due next Monday.


Friday 11/9


1. Journal: tba

2. Creativity Workshop: Just Sandwiches Eating
Let's Eat!   

3. HW: MFs 3 due Monday.