Advanced Creative Writing 10/29 - 11/2 

Monday 10/29

1. Journal: Five minute free write.  Circle key or unusual ideas when done.

2. Writer's Workshop

    a. Class Reset:

        1) Tapping into Memory story was due Friday. (1000 words)

        2) Same story from different point of view began Friday - due this coming Friday.

        3) Mondays = Microfiction (or contests); Fridays = Semester Project

        4) Just Sandwiches should be done up to most drafts of recipes, theme, logo, title...

        5) Soap Operas - give me a copy of the scripts so I can grade them.  Filming, if desired, can be done whenever you like.

    b. Microfiction!

        1) Reading our first microfiction.

            a) Share in groups of 4; Select Best; Vote on the Best of the Best.

            b) Turn in all Microfictions (remember, typed in MLA form)

        2) Assign: Microfiction 2

            a) Retell the story of The Three Little Pigs from the Wolf's point of view.

            b) Work on drafts now; FC due next Monday.

3. HW: 1) Finish Microfiction 2 if needed; 2) Tapping into Memory Alt. POV story due Friday.

Tuesday 10/30

1. Journal: Tell the story of the worst dinner out you ever experienced. This could be with family, friends, or, perhaps best, a bad date.

2. Creativity Workshop: Just Sandwiches!

    a. Finish recipe RDs; remember: write these descriptively as if on a menu but be sure to include all ingredients.
    b. Draft your menu and ad -- include illustrations (thumbnails and storyboards).

        1) Will need a print ad but you are welcome to try a video ad if you have the time and skill.

        2) Consider using photos for your print ads and menus - put yourselves on your menus! (not literally of course!)
Drafts of recipes, menu, and ads due tomorrow.

3. HW: 1) Finish any drafting needed for your Sandwich project; 2) Work on Semester Project or Microfiction as needed.

Wednesday 10/31

1. Journal: none

2. Creativity Workshop: Just Sandwiches!

    a. Have drafts of recipes, menu, and ads checked.

    b. Work on creating your menus and print ads.

    c. If you have no group responsibilities, you may work on your Semester Project or Microfiction.

3. HW: Nothing new - don't forget Semester Project &/or Microfiction.


Thursday 11/1  


1. Journal: none

2. Creativity Workshop: Just Sandwiches!

    a. Finish preparing menus & print ads.

    b. Due Monday in FC form for judging.

    c. If you have no group responsibilities, you may work on your Semester Project or Microfiction.

3. HW: 1) Just Sandwiches Menu and Print Ad due next Tuesday; 2) Semester Project Alt POV story due tomorrow; 3) Microfiction 2 due Monday.


Friday 11/2


1. Journal: none

2. Semester Project Workshop

    a. Due: Tapping into Memory Short Story RD 2 - alt POV.

    b. Work on: any materials you may be behind on.

3. HW: 1) Microfiction 2 due Monday; 2) FC Menus & Ads due Tuesday; 3) Semester Project caught up through Tapping into Memory.