Advanced Creative Writing 10/22 - 10/26 

Monday 10/22

1. Journal: List: Top 10 good reasons it's ok for to tell a lie.

2. Writer's Workshop

    a. Reminder: Tapping into Memory story due Friday. (1000 words)

    b. Assign: Microfiction

        1) Review assignment.

        2) Write first one - can be different from Romeo and Juliet if you want; just make it a classic we all will probably know. 

        3) Share at end of period if time.

    c. Soap Operas - meeting with leaders to determine final steps - materials, time, place.

    d. Pass back graded stories and distribute grades.

3. HW: 1) Finish microfiction 1 if needed; 2) Tapping into Memory story due Friday.

Tuesday 10/23

1. Journal: none

2. Writer's Workshop

    a. Work on RD of Tapping into Memory short story.

    b. Finish draft of microfiction if needed.

3. HW: Tapping into Memory story due Friday.

Wednesday 10/24

1. Journal: Describe the best sandwich you've ever had. Write at least five full sentences and don't forget to use as many senses as possible.

2. Creativity Workshop: Just Sandwiches!
    a. Overview of assignment with overhead/handout.
    b. Form groups – pairs and threes please.
    c. Brainstorm sandwiches & themes.
    d. Time permitting, start focusing on theme, title, logo, etc.

3. HW: Tapping into Memory story due Friday.


Thursday 10/25  


1. Journal: Describe the best thing or your favorite thing you can cook.  Include how to make it and why you like it so much.

2. Creativity Workshop: Just Sandwiches!

    a. Finish brainstorming and focusing on theme and title if needed.
    b. Begin sandwich recipe writing – write these descriptively as if on a menu but be sure to include all ingredients.
    c. Try to finish recipe RDs.

3. HW: Tapping into Memory story due tomorrow.


Friday 10/26


1. Journal: none

2. Semester Project Workshop

    a. Due: Tapping into Memory Short Story RD 1.

    b. Work on: Tapping into Memory Short Story RD 2 - a different point of view.

    c. If your Sandwich Project is cruising along, you may work on it as well.

4. HW: Tapping into Memory Short Story 2 due next Friday.