Advanced Creative Writing 10/15 - 10/19 

Monday 10/15

1. Journal: none - in media center with laptops

2. Writer’s Workshop: Soap Operas

    a. Full class meeting - finishing the writing & filming.

        1) Time schedule.

        2) Filming.

    b. Groups meet to assign all final jobs & deadlines.

        1) Make a list of all group members.

        2) For each group member, give details of what they have left to do and their individual deadlines.

        3) Copy of list to teacher.

    c. Work time - Soap Opera or Semester Project.

3. HW: 1) Any late semester project work; 2) Any Soap Opera work as assigned by group.

Tuesday 10/16

1. Journal: 10 minute free write.  (Review what a free write is.)

2. Semester Project Workshop

    Get completely caught up with all project materials & have checked:

        - Pictures in

        -10 Writing From Pictures Paragraph RDs

        -Writing from Pictures - 2 FCs
        -5 Tapping into Memory Descriptive Paragraphs
        -Materials for 3 Selected Tapping into Memory Paragraphs
        -Sense Chart for Setting Writing for Tapping into Memory
        -Setting Writing for 1 of your Tapping into Memory Paragraphs
        -Characterization Writings (up to 2) for 1 of your Tapping into Memory Paragraphs.

3. HW: All Semester Project Work should be caught up by tomorrow.

Wednesday 10/17

1. Journal: Put Shaggy from Scooby Doo in an elevator with Batman.  Write a 250 word scene.

2. Writer’s Workshop: Guided Revision

    a. Choose any one of your writings from your Semester Project so far.

    b. Answer each of the following questions about it - mark your writing as we go.

        1) Vivid, precise diction

        2) Vivid, powerful imagery

        3) Specific details

        4) Powerful, action verbs

        5) Unique, fresh adjectives and adverbs - avoid the obvious

        6) At least one clever use of figurative language (as appropriate - don't force this)

    c. Address the issues in your writing as revealed by our guided revision - i.e., revise now!.

    d. If time, repeat with another piece.

3. HW: Finish your revisions as needed.


Thursday 10/18


1. Journal: I once dreamed about...

2. Semester Project Workshop

    a. Work on: Put your characters and setting together to create a short story capturing the significance of the event to be included in the final scrapbook with its accoutrements.

    b. Brief review/reminder: what is a short story!

    c. Let's strive to make this about 1000 words - about four pages double-spaced.

3. HW: Tapping into Memory story due next Friday.


Friday 10/19


No School - COI Day