Advanced Creative Writing 10/8 - 10/12 

Monday 10/8

1. Journal: none

2. Reminder: Semester Project - By next Friday, pick three paragraphs to collect ideas for scrapbook pages, including pictures, collages, words, writings, etcMaterials will be checked.

3. Writer’s Workshop: Soap Operas

    a. With computers, if possible.  Click on these examples to check formatting: Ex. 1   Ex. 2.

    b. Write scripts.

    c. See tips for writing dialogue:  Link 1   Link 2    Link 3   Link 4

4. HW: 1) Any additional script writing as needed; 2) Don't forget semester project materials due Friday.

Tuesday 10/9

1. Journal: none

2. Writer’s Workshop: Soap Operas

    a. With computers.  Click on these examples to check formatting: Ex. 1   Ex. 2.

    b. Write scripts.

    c. See tips for writing dialogue:  Link 1   Link 2    Link 3   Link 4

3. HW: Any additional script writing as needed.

Wednesday 10/10

1. Journal: Current Progress Questionnaire.

2. Writer’s Workshop: Soap Operas

    a. With computers.  Click on these examples to check formatting: Ex. 1   Ex. 2.

    b. Write scripts.

    c. See tips for writing dialogue:  Link 1   Link 2    Link 3   Link 4

3. HW: Any additional script writing as needed.


Thursday 10/11 


1. Journal: none

2. Writer’s Workshop: Soap Operas

    a. With computers.  Click on these examples to check formatting: Ex. 1   Ex. 2.

    b. Write scripts.

    c. Meet with teacher for final prep & organization discussion.

3. HW: Don't forget semester project materials due tomorrow - materials for your 3 chosen paragraphs from Tapping into Memories.


Friday 10/12


1. Journal: none

2. Semester Project Workshop

    a. Due: 3 paragraphs from Tapping into Memories with materials that will go with them in your scrapbook.

    b. Of your final 3 Tapping into Memories writings, choose one and develop:

        1)  A thorough characterization about each character. Focus on what they look like, their personalities, and their interests, etc. 

            a) This will likely be at least five paragraphs long - if done effectively. 

            b) See me if you'd like one of our character profile sheets to plan this writing.

        2) Setting, focusing on imagery.

            a) Sense Chart - to ensure extensive imagery.

            b) Sense Words - a good start to ensure strong diction for you imagery.

    c. Have characterization, sense charts, and setting checked when done.

    d. Care to work ahead? Put these ideas together. Create a short story capturing the significance of the event to be included in the final scrapbook with its accoutrements.

3. HW: none unless you need/wish to work on your scripts or semester project.