Advanced Creative Writing 10/1 - 10/5 

Monday 10/1

1. Journal: Can you believe what Chad said happened to Rob over the weekend?  Well, I heard…

2. Writer’s Workshop: Soap Operas

    a. Characters, setting etc. should be set.

    b. Meet with group to begin writing process.

    c. Writers….WRITE!

3. HW: 1) Whatever you need to do for your scripts; 2) Semester Project Part 1 Final Copies due Friday.

Tuesday 10/2

1. Journal: None – too much to write already!
2. Writer’s Workshop: Soap Operas
Write your parts!
3. HW: 1) Whatever you need to do for your scripts; 2) Semester Project Part 1 Final Copies due Friday.

Wednesday 10/3

1. Journal: None – too much to write already!

2. Writer’s Workshop: Soap Operas

    Keep on writing!

3. HW: Attend the Powder Puff game and bonfire!


Thursday 10/4 


1. Journal: None – too much to write already!

2. Writer’s Workshop: Soap Operas

    a. Script examples and formatting.  Ex. 1   Ex. 2.

    b. Write!

3. HW: 1) Whatever you need to do for your scripts; 2) Semester Project Part 1 Final Copies due Friday.


Friday 10/5


1. Journal: Imagine a day when your grandchild wants to interview you for a school project.  He/she asks you, "What is your favorite memory?"  What do you think you will tell him/her?

2. Semester Project Workshop

    a. Review Part 2 - Writing from Memories.

    b. Make your list, choose your five to write about, and write your five paragraphs.  Have checked when done.

    c. By next Friday, pick three paragraphs to collect ideas for scrapbook pages, including pictures, collages, words, writings, etc

    d. At this point, you may want to make sure you have a special folder for your Personal Mythology materials - they will start piling up.

    e. Have two scene final copies for Part 1 checked throughout the period.

3. HW: none