Advanced Creative Writing 9/10 - 9/14  

Monday 9/10

1. Journal: On a separate piece of paper, list five questions you have about your story.  Leave space in between questions so peer readers can answer.

2. Discuss timeline for finishing story - what activities would you want after tomorrow?

3. Writer-Reader Workshop - informal

    a. Share stories and answer journal questions.

    b. Have informal peer reads checked for points.

4. HW: Continue work with drafting and revisions.

Tuesday 9/11

1. Journal: List: 12 things to do when the power is out!  If you finish early, write in detail about one or two of them.

2. Writer's Workshop

    a. Finish informal peer read and have checked if needed.

    b. Continue work on stories - if draft is done, begin full scale revisions.

3. HW: Continue work with drafting and revisions.

Wednesday 9/12

1. Journal: none

2. Writer's Workshop

    Continue work on stories - if draft is done, begin full scale revisions.

3. HW: Continue work with drafting and revisions.


Thursday 9/13  


1. Journal: You see a 10 year old girl sitting alone on a mall bench, nervously biting her nails.  What is she thinking?

2. Writer's Workshop

    a. Guided Revision - Top 10 things new fiction authors do wrong.

    b. Continue work on stories - if draft is done, begin full scale revisions.

    c. Have RD checked for points when ready.

3. HW: Continue work with drafting and revisions.


Friday 9/14


1. Journal: The top ten worst things to say to someone who just got dumped.

2. Writer-Reader Workshop - Formal

    a. Use peer reading guide to peer read each other's stories.

    b. Have peer read checked when done - can be Monday.

    c. Revise and polish your stories - due next Tuesday.

    d. Have RD checked for points when ready - last day for full credit.

3. HW: Continue work with drafting and revisions.