Advanced Creative Writing  8/20 – 8/24 

Monday 8/20

No School: Teacher Workday

Tuesday 8/21

No School: Teacher Workday 

Wednesday 8/22

1. Journal: What is creative writing?  What would ADVANCED creative writing mean?

2. General Student Workshop

    a. Welcome, get comfy, do attendance - we'll worry about seating charts later.

    b. Course Materials:

Ø       Words & Wit Website @
your textbook
white, smooth-edged loose leaf paper
pencils and blue/black pens
a three ring binder with at least 5 section dividers
a spiral notebook for your journal & think pad (could just use loose leaf paper, if desired)

3. Writer's Workshop

    a. The Importance of Words (called diction)

    b. Write favorite word on the board.

    c. Explain your choice to the class - what makes words special.

    d. If time, discuss relationship to journal - appreciation of language.

4. HW: 1) Write a 50 word autobiography that captures who you are; 2) Get materials by next week; 3) check out our website.


Thursday 8/23


1. Journal: Why are you here?

2. Remind materials and website.

3. Writer's Workshop - Introduction Activity

    a. Reduce the rough draft of your autobiography from 50 to 35 words while still retaining the "flavor" of your writing.

    b. Share reduced version with the class and turn in.

    c. If time, discuss the difficulties but importance of writing with brevity and power.

3. HW: 1) Get materials by next week; 2) Check out our website.

Friday 8/24

1. Journal: Four random words...  Write the exposition of a story using those words.  (Review Plot Structure)

2. Remind materials.

3. Finish up autobiographies as needed.

4. General Student Workshop

    --Class Syllabus - policies, grading, website, etc.

5. HW: Get materials for Monday.