
Assignment Criteria



Needs Work

Intro paragraph is well-developed and catches the reader’s attention. It is not merely composed of topic sentences of the body paragraphs.


A clear organizing principle & specific thesis statement are present, giving the purpose for classification, the focus of the classification, and structure to the essay. Thesis should be at end of the intro.


The classifications and/within the author's topic are clever, unique, and/or somehow original.  They also reflect higher level thought.


The body paragraphs are well-developed with specific details and examples, showing how each category/class is unique.


The body paragraphs work well together: the info is presented in a logical manner, develops the focus, & all relate specifically to thesis.


Transitional devices eloquently connect body paragraphs and ideas within paragraphs to create a "flowing" effect.


The conclusion of the essay makes a statement about the reason for the classification of the subject(s).


The tone is appropriate for the subject and purpose of this essay.


The essay has variety of sentence structures and word choices, creating a strong style.

The essay has been edited for punctuation, sentence fragments, comma splices, fused sentences, spelling, and usage errors.      

The essay is in proper MLA form.

