Vocabulary Studies 09-10


Romeo and Juliet Vocab List



Set 1


sanguine (adj) cheerfully confident; optimistic.


pecuniary (adj) of or relating to money


recapitulate (v-tr) to restate briefly; summarize

unctuous (adj) smug, ingratiating, and false earnestness or spirituality

kowtow (v-intr) false or exaggerated respect; “brown-nosing”

supercilious (adj) patronizingly stuck up, conceited

loquacious (adj) excessively talkative

escarpment (n): a steep bank under a defensible mound


hitherto (adv): to this point; up until now

indigenes (n): native animals or plants


Quia Quiz Activities 1

Set 2


cadence (n) rhythm


reverberation (n) shaking and echoing effect that you hear after a loud sound has been made.


mercenary (n) a soldier who is paid to fight by a country or group that they do not belong to.
*If someone is called a mercenary, they are generally being criticized for doing something only for money.


surname (n) last name

enigma (n) mystery, puzzle, something hard to understand

dauntless (adj) fearless

piousness (n) having or exhibiting religious reverence, devoutness

meticulously (adv): extremely careful and precise


sordid (adj): filthy or dirty; foul.

ovetous (adj): extremely desirous to possess; envious


Quia Quiz Activities 2


Set 3


incensed (adj) extreme anger or indignation


sacred (adj) entitled to reverence and respect, unique and special


aesthetic distance (n) degree of emotional involvement in a work of art.


meandered (v) to wander aimlessly


obsession (n) a persistent disturbing preoccupation with an often unreasonable idea or feeling


manipulate (v) to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage


redress (v) to set right or make up for


infamous (adj) notoriously evil


voluminous (adj) capable of filling a large volume


vigilante (n) a member of a volunteer committee organized to suppress and punish crime without due process


Quia Quiz Activities 3